Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Organic Cleaning Products

Chemical Free Cleaning Options

There are a lot of natural ingredients you can use to clean your house.

When I first recognized that the hundreds of chemicals I came in contact with daily could be contributing to my fibromyalgia pain and chronic fatigue syndrome symptoms, I didn't realize how many things I was about to have to change.  It's a good thing I didn't or I might have given up before I got started.  However, since I was learning new things each day, I was able to make changes slowly one by one.  So pace yourself.  Don't feel like you have to do everything at once.  

After I had gotten rid of all the scented products in my environment, I focused on cleaning products next.  I encourage you to get out your current supply of cleaning products and read the labels.  These are the ingredients you are inhaling, touching, and covering the surfaces of your home with every time you use these products.

There are a lot of alternatives to prepackaged chemicals that you can use for cleaning your house.  Google "chemical free cleaning,"  "organic cleaning," "non toxic cleaning," or other similar phrases and you will have access to a ton of great ideas.  Here are a few of my favorites:

All purpose cleaner:  Mix 1 part plain white vinegar to 2 parts water and put in a spray bottle.  Vinegar at this concentration kills as many germs as most commercial products.  I use this mixture to clean surfaces in the bathroom and kitchen, counter tops, mirrors, chrome fixtures, doorknobs, light switches, appliances, the stove top, sinks, and anywhere else you would use an all purpose cleaner. 

Air freshener:  Put baking soda or vinegar in a small dish and leave in the area where you want to absorb odors. If you want the kitchen to have a nice smell, try simmering water with cinnamon sticks and ginger on your stove. 

Garbage disposal cleaner:  Put a slice of lemon, lime, or orange in the garbage disposal and turn on just long enough to partially grind up the fruit.  Let it sit for at least one hour before grinding completely.  Then flush with cold water for a few minutes.

Drain cleaner:  Pour one cup of vinegar in your sinks.  Add a few tablespoons of baking soda.  Let sit for at least one hour. Then flush with cold water.

Grout cleaner: I am still discovering new cleaning options. I just read a hint about using hydrogen peroxide to clean mold from tile and grout.  It said to mix one part peroxide with two parts water and put in a spray bottle.  I have added hydrogen peroxide to my shopping list for this week so that I can try out this new idea.

There are natural alternatives you can use to clean every single thing in your house.  Once you find out which options you like the best and have made the switch, you will have eliminated a whole category of chemicals from your environment.  If there is one favorite chemical laden product that you just cannot bring yourself to replace, don't let that stop you from making at least some changes.  Every chemical you get rid of brings you one step closer to recovery.

Are there any non toxic cleaning products you recommend?

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