Monday, August 29, 2016

How to Clean Your Entire Bathroom without Toxic Chemicals

I don't use commercially produced cleaning products that are full of toxic chemicals. Keeping harmful chemicals out of my home environment is one of the main strategies in my healthy living plan. Daily exposure to these chemicals has been linked to numerous diseases.Every time we touch a surface covered in one of these products or breathe in the fumes that linger in the air after using them, we expose ourselves to unacceptable health risks.

So how do I clean something that needs as much scrubbing as a bathroom?


Use a Swiffer duster, microfiber cloth, or similar product on wood cabinets and light fixtures. This type of tool efficiently collects dust. Swiffer and other companies that make this type of duster also market scented sprays to use with the dusting tool. Do not purchase these.The scents and propellants used in the aerosol cans are full of harmful volatile organic compounds (VOCs) Besides, the duster by itself works great.

Mirrors, Sinks, and Surfaces

Make your own all-purpose cleaner. Put equal amounts of plain white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Spray the homemade mixture over the surface you want to clean.Scrub and wipe off with paper towels, a clean sponge, or a clean cloth. No rinsing is required. Use a clean micro fiber cloth to wipe off mirrors to avoid streaking. This is great for mirrors, sinks, faucets, countertops, doorknobs, light switches, etc. Vinegar kills most household germs as effectively as commercial products full of toxic chemicals. 

Shower and Tub

Use the homemade all-purpose cleaner on faucets and the outside surfaces of the shower and tub. To cut through soap scum on the inside of the shower, buy a dishwashing sponge with a handle that can be filled with liquid. Fill the handle reservoir with equal parts of dishwashing soap and plain white vinegar. Use a biodegradable soap like Castille or one of the organic dishwashing liquids made by companies like Method and Seventh Generation. Scrub the shower walls with the sponge and rinse. 

Whirlpool Tub Jets

Jets need to be cleaned once a month to prevent the buildup of gunk. Have you ever settled into your whirlpool tub anticipating a relaxing bath only to be slimed by gunk shooting out from the jets when you hit the on switch? Use the following mixture once a month to clean the jets and you will never be slimed again.

Fill the tub with warm water until all of the jets are completely covered with water.
Add 2 cups of borax, 1 cup of baking soda, and 2 quarts of white vinegar to the water.
Turn on the jets and let them run for 30 minutes.
Turn off the jets and drain the tub.
Use paper towels to wipe up all of the gunk that has come out of the jets.
Fill the tub with enough cold water to cover the jets and run the jets for 30 minutes.
Drain the tub and wipe up any remaining residue.
Spray vinegar and water all-purpose cleaner inside the tub and wipe with paper towels or a microfiber cloth to leave the tub clean and sparkling.

Toilet Bowl Cleaner

Buy a 16 ounce or larger squirt bottle or thoroughly rinse an empty dishwashing liquid bottle. Use a funnel to put these ingredients in the bottle in this order: 3 tablespoons of baking soda, 1/3 cup of Castille biodegradable soap or an organic dishwashing liquid. Add warm water to fill the rest of a 16 ounce bottle and shake to mix ingredients. If using a larger size bottle, add 2 cups of water.

Squirt underneath the rim and on the inside surfaces of the toilet bowl. Scrub with your favorite toilet bowl brush and flush to rinse. Castille soap is made from olive oil. It can be purchased from or other online retailers. It can also be found at health food stores and camping and hiking stores. It is used by hikers because it is organic and biodegradable and will not harm the environment. I rarely use scented products because most of the time the scents are bound to the product with toxic VOCs. The scented forms of Castille add natural oils like peppermint and lavender to create a light scent. Castille soap may seem expensive at first: around $7.00 for an 8 ounce bottle. However, you can make four 16 ounce batches of toilet bowl cleaner from one 8 ounce bottle for a cost of under $2.00 per batch. It is difficult to find commercially made toilet bowl cleaner for this price. And the homemade version works great and is free of toxic chemicals.

Tile Floors

I like to use a steam cleaner that only requires water for routine cleaning of my tile floors. The brand I have is a vacuum/steamer combo so I can do both tasks at the same time. 

When I feel my tile floors need a more heavy duty cleaning, this is what I use. 

Mix the following ingredients in a one gallon plastic pitcher with a pouring spout:

2 teaspoons of Castille soap or organic liquid dish soap
½ cup of baking soda
1 gallon of warm water
½ cup of white vinegar

Put the liquid dish soap, baking soda and half the warm water into the pitcher and mix well with a large spoon. Then add the vinegar.The mixture will bubble up and foam when you add the vinegar. Wait for the foam to subside before adding the rest of the water.

Pour the mixture into a mop that has a reservoir for adding your own cleaning mixture. I like the Libman mop. It has a plastic container that is easy to fill and a washable microfiber pad that you attach to the bottom of the mop. There are several brands of this type of mop so you can chose whichever one you prefer.  

Vacuum the floors to get up any loose dirt. Mop with the homemade floor cleaner. Use your favorite clean mop to rinse the floors with plain water.This system of cleaning my tile floors is nontoxic and it works better than any commercial cleaning product I have ever used.

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Thursday, August 25, 2016

Label Makers or Peacemakers?

What does this rainbow mug mean?

There is a rainbow on that mug. Hmm. I wonder what the owner of the mug thinks about DOMA, gay rights, politics, the church, faith, hope, and love? Is she conservative or liberal? Is she voting for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton?  

No matter how any of those questions are answered, someone from the other side will label the person with an opposite point of view as stupid, moron, heathen, radical, socialist, idiot, unpatriotic, clueless, or some other hateful adjective hurled in rage toward another human being created in the image of God. We seem to have lost our ability for civil discourse, thoughtful discussion, exchanging ideas, and giving one another space to have diverse opinions about politics, culture, and the church.

The destructive art of label making has reached new highs during the current election season.We constantly divide ourselves into groups of "Us" and "Them." This tendency has been reinforced by partisan 24/7 television news broadcasts and a thousand social media platforms incessantly demanding that we click, like, copy, paste, repost, favorite, comment, and repin. And if we dare to refuse, we will be unfriended, deleted, and tossed away like worthless trash.

We don't have to agree with one another on anything to be kind to one another. Those who call themselves Christians are commanded by Jesus himself to love one another. It is sad that the name calling comes from inside the church as often as it comes from outside it.The label makers on any side of an issue take the name of the Lord in vain each time they use his name as an excuse to hate, judge, or exclude those they consider "The Others." People with healthy faith recognize that God has not called us to be label makers.He has called us to be peacemakers.He has not called us to label our brothers and sisters by any other name than His.

What about that rainbow mug? That is my mug on a table in my sunroom. I suppose that makes me the most qualified person around to tell you what the rainbow cup represents. Have you already labeled me, decided who I am based on a photograph of a mug?  

The mug is not very valuable.It belonged to my mother.I don't remember where she got it but I know that it hung on a cuphook in her kitchen for decades. When she moved into a senior living facility, her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren were honored to look through the treasures she had collected over a lifetime and take whatever they wanted. I chose the mug because I like rainbows and I love my mother. It makes me happy to think of her when I sip my morning ginger tea. Ginger Tea Recipe

Maybe it's time for all who say they believe in Jesus, the Prince of Peace, to try to make the world a little more beautiful and a little less fractured by refusing to label the people Our Father God has placed in it with any other name than His.

"Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace." Ephesians 4:3 NIV

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Monday, August 22, 2016

L is for Latex

ABCs for healthy living are quick takes on simple strategies for creating a healthier life.

Latex balloons and latex gloves are dangerous.

Healthy living can be compromised by exposure to numerous chemical products in our everyday environment that are used in common household products like cleaners and personal care items. Many of these chemicals could easily be changed to something safer.

Latex gloves and latex balloons are good examples.At least 3 million people in the United States are allergic to natural rubber latex which is used in balloons, gloves, and thousands of everyday products. A reaction can occur from touching something made of latex or simply from breathing in the particles that flake off balloons and gloves into the air when they are used. Allergic reactions include a wide pattern ranging from skin irritation to anaphylaxis which is life threatening and can occur within seconds of exposure to latex. Anaphylaxis causes severe shock, precipitous blood pressure drops, and swelling in the airway which blocks breathing.It can lead to death if not treated immediately.

The more you are exposed to latex the higher the risk for developing an allergy. And the type of allergic reaction often progresses from skin irritation to anaphylaxis over time.In addition, there are groups of common fruits and vegetables related to latex and people who have a latex allergy may eventually develop an allergy to these foods.

Health care workers, cleaning staffs, and food services people who are required to use latex gloves on a daily basis are at an extremely high risk for developing a latex allergy. And so are the people who work around them. For instance, it is estimated that at least 20% of health care workers who use latex gloves will eventually develop the allergy. In the past, it was difficult to find good alternatives to latex gloves but today there are many cost effective substitutes.Health care workers can use nitrile gloves. Food services staffs at restaurants can use plain plastic gloves.Cleaning staffs can use nitrile or vinyl gloves.

Anything that causes an allergic reaction in anyone compromises the health of everyone else.The fact that an allergic reaction is possible indicates that exposure may be compromising our health and well-being long before the allergic reaction pattern develops.

You can help.Don't use latex gloves in your business. Encourage the health care industry, food services, and cleaning staffs to switch to safer gloves. Don't use latex balloons. Choose colorful mylar balloons instead.The latex industry has powerful lobbyists in Washington working every day to keep this toxic product in our environment so they can make money.Together we can be just as powerful as any lobbyist. We can be advocates for creating a safe environment for ourselves and our families.

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Wednesday, August 17, 2016

K is for Kale

ABCs for healthy living are quick takes on simple strategies for creating a healthier life.

Leafy green kale is one of the most nutrient dense foods on earth
I had never eaten kale until a few years ago when I started looking for ways to create a healthier lifestyle. Eating real food became a major part of my plan. Experimenting with foods I'd never tried before was a fun way to add more nutrition to my day.

Because kale is one of the most nutrient dense foods on earth, adding kale dishes to your recipe file is a great way to up the nutrient content of your daily diet. Kale contains folate, protein, fiber,iron, manganese, calcium, potassium, omega 3 fats, flavonoids, and vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C, and K.It helps lower cholesterol levels, works to detoxify your system, and lowers the risk of developing five types of cancer.

Kale can be used raw in salads, steamed for five minutes as a side dish, baked into chips, or used as an added ingredient in numerous recipes. 

Baked Kale Chips  This one is easy - only three ingredients: kale, olive oil, and salt.

Spaghetti with Kale and Tomatoes  Pecorino cheese gives this an exotic zip but you can use any kind of cheese you like. Just buy real cheese and grate it yourself. Pre-shredded cheese is covered in cellulose to keep the pieces from sticking together. And cellulose is a food additive manufactured from cotton and wood pulp. Ditch the bag and grate your own.

Kale Cranberry Nut Salad I don't use canola oil or white refined sugar.Use olive oil and raw honey instead. Kale has a distinctive strong taste, especially when eaten raw. Replace half the kale with salad greens you already like the first time you make this.

Kale and Quinoa Patties This is my favorite kale recipe.Serve a sliced avocado on the side for a super nutritious and delicious meal. 

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Monday, August 15, 2016

J is for Junk Food

ABCs for healthy living are quick takes on simple strategies for creating a healthier life.

Two in One Oatmeal Cookies
When I created strategies for healthy living,I wanted them to be practical and easy to integrate into my daily routine. I have an incredible sweet tooth. So, completely eliminating sweets didn't seem very practical.I found a way to include sweet treats in my diet without blowing the healthy eating part of my plan. Eating a lot of refined sugar can trigger increased inflammation in your body that leads to all kinds of diseases.I don't eat an excessive amount of sugar, but I haven't eliminated it all together either. For more info on the dangers of increased inflammation, check out this post  I is for Inflammation

I have four guidelines for adding sweet treats to my healthy eating plan:
  1. I eat real whole food for at least 90% of my diet every day.The other 10% is flexible.It includes occasional processed food with 5 ingredients or less, eating out when I'm not sure of the ingredients used in the food, and sweet treats.
  2. I can eat whatever sweet treat I want as long as I make it myself from real food ingredients.This accomplishes two things:I know exactly what is in the food and I don't eat it nearly as often as I would if I grabbed a package or box of something from the grocery store.(Boxes of cake mix, bowls of whipped topping, packages of cookies aren't real food ingredients.I was amazed how many of my "from scratch" baking recipes involved dumping various processed foods together.)
  3. I substitute healthier ingredients for less healthy ones.
  4. I add healthy ingredients to everything I bake to increase the nutritional value.
Easy recipe substitutions:
  • coconut oil or olive oil instead of vegetable oils and shortening
  • raw organic sugar, organic honey, real molasses, or real maple syrup instead of highly refined white sugar
  • whole wheat flour instead of refined white flour
Healthy ingredients that are easily added to sweet treats:
  • coconut oil
  • dried fruit
  • fresh fruit
  • ground milled flaxseed and chia seeds
  • nuts
  • nut butters
  • oatmeal
  • seeds like pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds
Love cookies? Two In One Oatmeal Cookies are delicious and full of healthy ingredients. They are a time saver because you can make two different kinds of cookies out of the same batch of batter: Raisin Nut Oatmeal Cookies and Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies.

You can make a gluten free version of these cookies by using 2 c of gluten free flour such as coconut flour, rice flour, tapioca flour, and/or almond flour in place of the unbleached flour and the whole wheat flour.

You can make them dairy free by using almond milk and a dairy free butter substitute in place of the milk and butter.

You can substitute peanut butter for the almond butter. If you do, buy a brand of natural peanut butter that only contains peanuts and a little salt. Many commercial brands of peanut butter contain added ingredients including high fructose corn syrup, soy, sugar, and hydrogenated oils full of harmful trans fats. I prefer almond butter because it has more nutritional value than peanut butter.Almond butter contains omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, niacin, folate, calcium, iron, riboflavin, manganese, and other healthy minerals. Look for an organic brand that contains fewer than five ingredients. 

I use the flaxseed/chia seed combo travel packets for the ground milled seeds.I add one or two packets of this to almost everything I bake.The travel packets stay fresh longer than a whole bag of ground milled flaxseed. Measure the first time you use this to see how much of the ground milled seeds the packet contains.This can vary according to which brand you buy.

Two in One Oatmeal Cookies

Preheat the oven to 325.

Cream together in a large mixing bowl using an electric mixer:
1/3 c of organic coconut oil
1/3 c of butter, or butter substitute if you want them to be dairy free
1/3 c of almond butter
1/4 c raw honey
1/2 c raw organic sugar
3/4 c raw organic brown sugar 

Beat in:
2 eggs, use organic free range eggs when possible
2 tsp. of pure vanilla extract
1/3 c milk, use almond milk if you want them to be dairy free

In a separate bowl mix together:
1 c unbleached flour
1 c of whole wheat flour.
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt
1 T of milled flaxseed or ground flaxseed and chia seed combo 
4 c of rolled oats, regular not quick cooking

Blend the flour mixture thoroughly into the creamed mixture.

Scoop out half the batter into another mixing bowl.(approximately 2 1/2 cups)
Add 1 c of chocolate chips to this bowl.I like to use Enjoy Life Mini Chocolate Chips.They are dairy free, gluten free, soy free, and peanut free.
Stir with a large spoon until the chocolate chips are completely blended into the batter.
Set this bowl aside.

To the batter in the other bowl add::
1/2 c chopped walnuts
1/2 c chopped almonds
1/2 c raisins
1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp. ground ginger
Mix with an electric mixer until all of the ingredients are completely blended.

For each cookie, scoop out 1 heaping T of dough. Put the ball of dough onto a greased cookie sheet. Leave 1" of space between each cookie. Flatten the cookie balls slightly with your hand, the back of a spoon, or a spatula. Grease whatever you use (including your hand) with a little butter or oil so the dough won't stick when you flatten the cookies.
Bake at 325 for 11 to 14 minutes or until the cookies are lightly browned on the bottom and just starting to turn a golden brown on the top.

Remove the cookie sheet from the oven and allow the cookies to cool for two minutes on the cookie sheet. Use a spatula to remove the cookies from the cookie sheet and place on a wire cooling rack to cool completely.This recipe makes about 80 cookies, 40 of each kind. Store them in an airtight container if you are planning to serve them within a couple of days.Store in a freezer safe container or bag if you want to bake them ahead of time to serve later.I like to freeze them and take out a couple at a time when I'm in the mood for a little sweet treat. Microwave two cookies for about 20 seconds for a warm treat or take as many as you need out of the freezer and leave at room temperature to defrost if you want to serve a plateful at a family gathering or party.

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Wednesday, August 10, 2016

I is for Inflammation

ABCs for healthy living are quick takes on simple strategies for creating a healthier life.

Eating fruit reduces inflammation in our bodies.

Any type of stress on our bodies causes inflammation on a cellular level. Increased inflammation is a primary factor in the onset of chronic illness, heart disease, Alzheimer's disease, arthritis, and many types of cancer.

Inflammation can be caused by anything that puts stress on our bodies. Some common causes of increased inflammation are exposure to environmental toxins, eating processed food full of toxic ingredients, using cleaning products and cosmetics full of harmful chemicals, leading a sedentary life, not getting enough sleep, and going through periods of physical,emotional, mental, or spiritual stress.

We can reduce the inflammation in our bodies and the illnesses it produces by limiting our exposure to the things that increase inflammation. Eliminating processed food from our diets and eating real food with lots of anti-inflammatory nutrients is a great way to reduce inflammation.

If you want to decrease the inflammation in your body, try adding these great anti-inflammatory foods to your diet: almonds, bell peppers, beets,blueberries, broccoli,cherries, chia seeds, cinnamon, coconut oil, flaxseed, ginger, limes, pineapple, sweet potatoes, tea, turmeric, walnuts.

Check out this post for a great recipe for ginger tea that includes four anti-inflammatory ingredients. Ginger Tea Recipe

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Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Healthy Faith Appreciates Diversity

The creative energy of our amazing God is expressed in a riot of shapes, colors, sizes, and species. His power is too magnificent to be limited to one kind of anything. So, when he decided to make flowers,he filled the earth with an astonishing variety.

Our planet overflows with flowers, mountains, deserts, oceans, trees, plants, and animals in a splendid array of shapes, sizes, and colors. We see how much God treasures diversity, not only in nature, but also in the people who populate our world.

"God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, 'Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth.' " (Genesis 1:27-28 NIV)

And fill the earth we did.Today over seven billion people from thousands of ethnic groups live on earth. God is so much greater than we can imagine and so far beyond our ability to comprehend, I think, perhaps, it takes people of many different races and cultures to even begin to reflect his image.

If I want to exercise healthy faith, I need to follow God, the Father and Creator, and treasure diversity as much as he does. I need to see the wonder and beauty in those who are different from me. I need to appreciate diverse ethnic groups from around the world. 

I've been privileged to meet people from Argentina, Brazil, Cambodia,Cameroon, Canada,Chile,China,Colombia, Cuba, Dominican Republic,Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador,Germany,Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Iran,Israel, Japan, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Panama, South Africa, South Korea, Spain,Taiwan, and Syria.
They are as unique and lovely as the multitude of flowers that cover the earth. Each one is a tiny piece of the mosaic of humankind that reflects the image of God.

Those with healthy faith practice love and acceptance for all people everywhere.This is not a natural human response to those who look, sound, or act differently than us. We are sometimes fearful of people who have a different worldview than ours.This fear is amplified by news outlets seeking increased ratings, politicians manipulating voters to get elected, and thousands of posts each day on social media.I will never be able to see people through God's lens of love in my own power.Only God's spirit residing in me can help me relate to others with love, acceptance, and caring. 

If I say that I'm a Christian, I have to assume the attitude of Christ.The Son of God was sent into our messy, fearful world to show us how deep and wide and high God's love is for every single person he created.The theme that runs through everything Jesus said about relationships is love. And it's not just a suggestion. We are commanded to love one another. In fact, Jesus said the world will know we are his disciples based on the depth of our love for each other.

The creation story reveals that each day when God completed his creative work for that day, "God saw that it was good." (Genesis 1 NIV). If I intentionally focus on the wonders of nature, I see goodness and splendor all around me. And if I intentionally look for what is beautiful and holy in the people God created, I will surely find it.

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Monday, August 8, 2016

H is for Healing

ABCs for healthy living are quick takes on simple strategies for creating a healthier life.

Eat real food for healthy living.

"Four of the top ten causes of death today are chronic diseases with well-established links to diet: coronary heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and cancer." - Michael Pollan

Eight years ago I would have shrugged my shoulders and said, "Who cares?" when reading that quote by Michael Pollan, the best-selling author of In Defense of Food. I ate whatever I wanted without a single thought to the possible impact on my well-being.

Then I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, a terrible chronic illness with a broad spectrum of symptoms including severe pain and debilitating fatigue. Suddenly, I was extremely interested in creating a healthier lifestyle. I was desperate to find something that might make me feel better.I was willing to make any changes to my diet and lifestyle that held even the tiniest possibility of improving my symptoms.

I researched what causes illness and how healing occurs. I learned that we live in a toxic world.The food we eat and the household products we use either contribute to our health and well-being or leave our bodies vulnerable to contracting all kinds of diseases. Toxic ingredients in household products and processed food has been linked to the onset of numerous autoimmune diseases and disorders like fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, lupus, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), rheumatoid arthritis,and Sjogren's disease.

Based on what I learned, I developed ten strategies for creating a healthier life.The top three changes I made were:
  • I quit using household products full of harmful chemicals.
  • I stopped eating most highly processed food.
  • I started eating real food with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients.
I was only hoping to find a way to feel better. I was amazed when I completely recovered. I have had no fibromyalgia symptoms since December of 2012. I continue to follow the strategies that helped me recover to maintain my health and well-being.

Now I read that Michael Pollan quote and applaud. I have firsthand proof that the food we eat and the products we use in our homes and on our bodies can either contribute to disease or lead to healing.

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