Friday, November 18, 2016

T is for Thanksgiving Real Food Recipes

ABCs for healthy living are quick takes on simple strategies for creating a healthier life.

Thanksgiving is next week. I created strategies for healthy living that helped me recover from fibromyalgia and keep me healthy every day. They include eliminating most processed food because it contains harmful additives and eating real food full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients.The holiday season that stretches from Thanksgiving to New Year's Day has the potential to wreck healthy living strategies. I'm not worried about counting calories or carbs. I'm concerned about counting chemicals and avoiding as many as possible, even during food-centered celebrations.

Dealing with my personal food needs is not the only obstacle I face in planning our Thanksgiving dinner. I'm looking forward to having four generations of my extended family gathered around my table.There will be smiles, hugs, long talks, games, and laughter. But there will also be enough of us in the dining room that have food allergies that we could do group Public Service Announcements for the National Allergy Board. One or more people in my family has a food allergy or food intolerance to dairy products, gluten, beef, nuts, corn, bananas,shellfish, pork, citrus fruits, kiwi, avocados, chocolate, tomatoes, soy, and peanuts. It's a good thing I relish a challenge.

If I can prepare a delicious real food Thanksgiving meal for my food allergy bunch, I know that anyone can. If you are cooking for a crowd that has food sensitivities, have one entree that everyone can eat and plenty of side dishes so that everyone can choose at least two additional foods. If I tried to make every single dish something that every single person could eat, we would have nothing but a lonely turkey on our table.

To keep your holiday meal free of processed food that contains harmful chemicals and toxic additives, plan simple recipes that use real food instead of food that comes out of a box or package. Real food is always a healthy and delicious choice.

Real Food Thanksgiving Menu

Roasted Turkey. I fill the cavity with apple slices, onion, garlic and spices and baste with olive oil and everyone can eat it. You can also add slices of oranges, lemons and limes to ramp up the zesty flavor.

Slow Cooker Macaroni and Cheese. The lactose intolerant folks have to pass on this one but all of my grandchildren adore it. Slow Cooker Macaroni and Cheese Recipe

Portuguese Country Bread. My mother got this recipe on a trip to Portugal. Portuguese Country Bread Recipe

Baked Sweet Potatoes. I serve them plain with a choice of toppings that include butter, soy- free dairy-free butter substitute, brown sugar, ground cinnamon, and ginger.  

Roasted Vegetables can be made with just about any vegetables you like. Simply place cut up vegetables on a large rimmed cookie sheet, brush with olive oil, sprinkle with sea salt and your favorite spices. Roast in the oven at 400 degrees for about an hour or until vegetables start to brown around the edges.

Fruit Plate with enough choices that everyone can eat at least one of the fruits.If you are feeling artistic, check out this cute turkey made from fruit that I found on Pinterest. My grandchildren had a great time helping me create a Festive Turkey Fruit Platter
Salad Greens with kale, carrots, mushrooms, tomatoes, and homemade balsamic vinaigrette dressing. I put the greens in a large bowl and arrange the other ingredients on a tray so that everyone can make their own.

Apple Pear Crisp Apple Pear Crisp Recipe

Chocolate Almond Pie that is dairy free, soy free, and gluten free. Chocolate Almond Pie Recipe

And there you have it: a real food Thanksgiving feast for the allergy crowd. Oh, and by the way, my family will be here from Wednesday until Sunday so I have to round up food choices for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for five days. And that's a chore I"m grateful to have. Because spending time with people I love is a gift. And Thanksgiving is the perfect time of year to smile and count my blessings.

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Thursday, November 17, 2016

S is for Sleep Hacks for Insomnia

ABCs for healthy living are quick takes on simple strategies for creating a healthier life.

I just want to catch a few Zs
Before I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, I was an extremely sound sleeper. I have slept through tornadoes, blaring car alarms, and a bomb exploding in a house down the street. So it came as quite a shock to my system when one of my fibromyalgia symptoms was insomnia which is often a collateral problem with autoimmune diseases.I had difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep. When I managed to catch a few fitful hours at night, I never felt rested in the morning.

Sleep disturbances in chronic illness often are related to the larger problem of the inflammation and cellular damage that results from exposure to chemicals in our food and environment. Too many people count calories and carbs without every considering how important it is to count chemicals. I didn't give a single thought to how many chemicals I was exposed to on a daily basis until I got sick. While searching for ways to feel better, I learned I needed to detoxify my body by limiting my exposure to harmful substances. I found safer alternatives to cleaning products, cosmetics, and personal care items. I stopped eating highly processed food full of toxic chemical ingredients. I started eating lots of real food with 
antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients.

My severe pain and fatigue symptoms dramatically improved. But my sleep pattern had been disrupted by this horrible disease for such a long time that I still had a problem with insomnia. I had to do some things to reset my natural sleep cycle clock. Be sure to check with your doctor before trying any plan that involves medications or supplements. Here is what I did. And it worked.

I stopped taking prescription sleep medication which I had been using to try to get at least a few hours of sleep each night.This type of drug is intended for only short-term use. It is not designed to be used for longer than a few weeks. Sleep induced by medication does not follow a natural sleep cycle pattern.

I took the over-the-counter supplement Melatonin for eight weeks. Melatonin has been shown to be effective in restoring the natural sleep cycle. It should never be taken for more than six to eight weeks.That is sufficient for resetting your natural biorhythms. Taking it for longer than that compromises your body's ability to produce natural Melatonin. Talk to your physician before taking Melatonin or any other supplement.

During the eight weeks I was on Melatonin, I created a bedtime ritual I could follow every night. After supper, I did not do any work related activities. I watched television, checked my Facebook page, and did other just-for-fun things until 11:00 p.m. I took a hot bath or shower before getting into bed. This helped me relax. I grabbed a book and read until I started feeling a little sleepy and then turned off the lights.In the beginning, I often read until 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning. After a couple of weeks, I was turning out the lights by 12:00 and sleeping until 7:00 or 8:00 the next day.

After eight weeks, I stopped the Melatonin, and continued the bedtime ritual I had established. I was worried the first night about how I would react without taking the Melatonin. But, I started reading at 11:00, turned out the lights at 11:30 and slept all night.I have been sleeping soundly ever since.

Before you attempt to reset your sleep pattern, it is important to detoxify your body first by eliminating chemicals from your environment and diet.You need to build up your body’s immune system and ability to take care of itself by eating natural whole healthy foods. If you are just beginning this process, hold on to hope. You can recover from fibromyalgia and a multitude of other autoimmune diseases by making lifestyle changes to get rid of chemicals. You can even sleep and dream again.  

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Tuesday, November 15, 2016

R is for Read Labels to Avoid Chemicals

ABCs for healthy living are quick takes on simple strategies for creating a healthier life.

Commercially manufactured bread contains chemical additives.
I used to think that choosing healthy foods meant counting calories, fat grams, and carbs so that I could lose weight. I gave no thought at all to the ingredients used to create highly processed low calorie foods. I compromised my health every single time I ate something that came out of a box or carton no matter how low the calorie count was.

And then I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. While searching for ways to improve my symptoms, I learned that chemicals we are exposed to every day in common household products, cosmetics, and processed food make us sick. Exposure to these chemicals has been identified a a causal factor in almost all autoimmune illnesses, including fibromyalgia, as well as Alzheimer's Disease, cardiovascular disease, asthma, and many types of cancer.

Our bodies are designed to break down and utilize real food for energy, stamina, and to maintain health. Our bodies are not designed to deal with artificial chemical ingredients used by big food manufacturing companies to increase the shelf life of packaged products. Most food conglomerates are interested in profit margins, not health.

The label in the above picture is from a typical commercially manufactured loaf of whole wheat bread. When I make wheat bread, I use just a few real food ingredients: flour, wheat, salt, yeast, milk, butter, and a little sugar to activate the yeast.

Look at what has been added to the commercially manufactured loaf. And this is a brand that contains fewer added ingredients than many of the others sitting on the supermarket shelves. Consider just one of the added chemical ingredients. Monoglycerides are additives used as an emulsifier to keep oil and fat from separating. Monoglycerides (and diglycerides) often contain trace amounts of trans fats which have been banned for use in food production but don't have to be listed as a trans fat because of the level per serving calculations.They have been linked to an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and raising bad cholesterol levels.The CDC (Centers for Disease Control) has correlated consuming trans fats to increased rates of death.There is no safe level of them to eat.

I don't always have time to make my own bread. So I have become an avid label reader. When I buy a commercially produced loaf of bread, I read the ingredients labels, understand what each ingredient is, and make an informed decision about the purchase. My goal is to eat real food 90% of the time.That leaves 10% leeway for eating some processed food.

I also reduced my exposure to toxic chemicals by eliminating household cleaners that contain harmful ingredients and switching to safer cosmetics. For more info on how to reduce your exposure to toxic chemicals, check out these five ideas.

Eliminate These 3 Toxic Things Now

How to Clean Your Entire Bathroom Without Toxic Chemicals

How to Find Less Toxic Cosmetics

Why Fragrances are Harmful to Our Health

3 Nontoxic Household Cleaner Recipes

I was so debilitated from the pain and fatigue of fibromyalgia that there were many days I could barely function. I stopped eating most processed food, started eating real food with a lot of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients, and switched to cleaning products and personal care items with fewer chemicals.It takes time and energy to make lifestyle changes but it is certainly worth the effort. Next month, I will celebrate four years of being completely symptom free.

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Monday, November 7, 2016

Healthy Faith Recognizes the Proper Place for Politics

This has been an unusual election cycle filled with vicious rhetoric, hyperbole, and fearful predictions of apocalyptic doom. Scrolling through my Facebook and Twitter feeds this morning, I found this Election Eve announcement everywhere.


It's over. (HRC, DJT) has just been caught (lying, latest scandal).This shocking revelation totally ends the political hopes of (HRC, DJT) and assures that (HRC, DJT) will triumph. And if (HRC, DJT) doesn't win, it's because the election was (tampered with, influenced by outside sources) so that (HRC, DJT) couldn't win. We are in big trouble because now (HRC, DJT) will be elected instead of (HRC, DJT).So all you Christians out there better go out and vote for (HRC, DJT) because if you vote for (HRC, DJT) instead of (HRC, DJT) Satan wins!

Here's the thing. If Christians believe that the outcome of an election has more power than God our Father and Creator, Jesus our Redeemer and Hope, the Holy Spirit our Guide and Strength, then Satan has already won. 

I understand that folks have strong feelings about the candidates. But we have lost our way if we place politics above our faith in God. When we wake up on Wednesday morning one of the candidates will be our new president. Some people will be thrilled with the result and others will be devastated. Whatever happens, the Kingdom of God cannot by shaken by the kingdoms of this world. 

"What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? Christ Jesus is at the right hand of God and is interceding for us. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution of famine or danger? No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:31-39

So let's get up tomorrow and go vote for the candidate of our choice. And when we wake up on Wednesday morning, let's remember who we are in Christ Jesus and what a mighty God we serve. 

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Healthy Faith Recognizes the Proper Place for Politics

This has been an unusual election cycle filled with vicious rhetoric, hyperbole, and fearful predictions of apocalyptic doom. Scrolling through my Facebook and Twitter feeds this morning, I found this Election Eve announcement everywhere.


It's over. (HRC, DJT) has just been caught (lying, latest scandal).This shocking revelation totally ends the political hopes of (HRC, DJT) and assures that (HRC, DJT) will triumph. And if (HRC, DJT) doesn't win, it's because the election was (tampered with, influenced by outside sources) so that (HRC, DJT) couldn't win. We are in big trouble because now (HRC, DJT) will be elected instead of (HRC, DJT).So all you Christians out there better go out and vote for (HRC, DJT) because if you vote for (HRC, DJT) instead of (HRC, DJT) Satan wins!

Here's the thing. If Christians believe that the outcome of an election has more power than God our Father and Creator, Jesus our Redeemer and Hope, the Holy Spirit our Guide and Strength, then Satan has already won. 

I understand that folks have strong feelings about the candidates. But we have lost our way if we place politics above our faith in God. When we wake up on Wednesday morning one of the candidates will be our new president. Some people will be thrilled with the result and others will be devastated. Whatever happens, the Kingdom of God cannot by shaken by the kingdoms of this world. 

"What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? Christ Jesus is at the right hand of God and is interceding for us. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution of famine or danger? No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:31-39

So let's get up tomorrow and go vote for the candidate of our choice. And when we wake up on Wednesday morning, let's remember who we are in Christ Jesus and what a mighty God we serve. 

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