Friday, July 5, 2013

Flareup: Bad News is Good News

I woke up one morning last month scared senseless.  I rolled out of bed acutely aware that every muscle and joint in my body hurt. I had pain in both legs, both arms, my shoulders, my neck, my back, my hands, my feet. After over six months of absolutely no fibromyalgia symptoms, it was back.  So naturally I toot the most sensible and rational course of action:  panic followed by a headlong tumble into despair.

For five days I sat around enveloped in fibro fog, fatigue and pain; but mostly I passed the hours whining and feeling sorry for myself.  On the fifth day there was hope in the darkness.  I started to think about possible reasons as to why the symptoms had returned. What had I done differently?  Then it occurred to me.  

We had gone swimming in the middle of a hot summer day so I had used sunscreen for the first time since my recovery.  I believe a light bulb may have actually popped up over my head.  I didn't look in the mirror to verify this because I was too busy trying to remember where I had put the bottle of sunscreen I had used the day before I woke up with the horrible return of symptoms.

Aha!  I found it!  This is the list of active and inactive ingredients in the sunscreen. And....(drum roll please) that liquid was full..of..chemicals.

By using the sunscreen, I had unintentionally turned myself into a human science experiment that confirmed my theory that chemical exposure is a contributing factor to fibromyalgia symptoms.  I had been vigilant about getting chemicals out of my environment and food.  I had eliminated chemicals from sources that were not always obvious: fragrances, cleaning supplies, personal grooming products, and processed food.  But the day before I woke up with the return of that awful pain, I had slathered sunscreen all over my skin, the largest organ in my entire body, without even thinking about all the chemicals that were in it.

I couldn't stop smiling (even though smiling made my face muscles hurt more.)  If the chemicals in the sunscreen caused the flareup, then my body should be able to eliminate those toxins and recover from that specific exposure in a week or so.  Eight days later the pain and fatigue were gone. What I thought was really bad news:  the return of symptoms, turned out to be really good news: concrete evidence that exposure to chemicals contributed to my fibromyalgia disease process.

I will continue to avoid chemicals in my environment and food and eat healthy whole foods full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.  But I am going to be a lot more careful about where hidden chemicals might be lurking.  Being well feels too wonderful to take a chance on feeling that horrible again.  

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