Tuesday, May 7, 2013

My Favorite Super Food of the Week: Flaxseed


Flaxseed is a great source of omega 3 which is a wonderful natural force to fight inflammation in the body.  Getting rid of inflammation is a key component in your fibromyalgia recovery plan.

Flaxseed is also high in antioxidants and both soluble and insoluble fiber.  It is a simple and delicious way to increase the amount of good things you put into your body each day. 

You can buy whole flaxseed and grind the seeds yourself in a coffee grinder.  Flaxseed has to be ground to release the nutrients.  If you eat whole flaxseed, it will just pass right through your system without giving you any of the super nutritional qualities of the seed.  If you choose to grind the seeds yourself, grind only the amount you plan to use immediately. You can store whole flaxseed in a pretty jar on your kitchen counter for six months or longer.

There is another option.  You can purchase milled flaxseed that has already been ground for you.  If you buy milled flaxseed, be sure to store it in an airtight opaque container in the refrigerator once the package is opened.  It will stay fresh in the refrigerator for six to eight weeks.   Flaxseed has a nutty pleasant taste.  If you notice a rancid or bitter smell or taste, you need to throw the milled flaxseed away. 

If you are not used to eating a lot of fiber, be sure to start out slowly with just a teaspoon or so at a time.  I eat between one teaspoon and three tablespoons of flaxseed almost every day.

You can add flaxseed to many things you eat.  Mix it with yogurt and granola.  Add a couple of tablespoons to pancake, cookie and muffin recipes.  Sprinkle it over cooked oatmeal and add the super fruit blueberries to power start your day.  

Continue to remove processed foods from your diet and add whole nutritious foods that  promote recovery from fibromyalgia.

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