Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Cure for Chronic Illness: Any Questions?

The road to recovery from chronic illness may be long and winding but it is a goal within reach of anyone willing to take the first step.  I have been amazed at the number of people I have met, articles I have read, researchers I have heard speak that have affirmed that recovery happens when we are willing to make the necessary changes in our lifestyles.  A common thread has been the great havoc that toxic chemicals are having on our immune systems. 

I got rid of chemicals in my environment, quit eating processed food, and started eating whole foods rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties and I have not had any fibromyalgia symptoms in ten months.  Chemicals in food, cosmetics, fragrances, cleaning supplies and other products are making us sick. Getting rid of toxic chemicals has resulted in remission for people with a wide range of chronic illnesses including rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, Sjogren's syndrome, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and many other autoimmune diseases. 

Several friends and I were discussing this recently after church.  Someone asked, "But isn't that hard?"  A friend who has also improved from chronic illness and I both shouted, "No!" at the same time because we both recognize that these lifestyle changes have led to healing and nothing is as hard as feeling horrible all the time. However, when I got back home, it occurred to me that maybe we answered too quickly. Perhaps all of this may sound quite difficult and overwhelming to someone who has not tried any of the steps yet.

I have been in the process of moving so I have not had time to blog in almost two months. I thought that as I start posting again  this might be a good time to ask you for input and questions.  I appreciate all of you who have posted comments, sent me messages on Facebook and Twitter, and talked to me in person about the recovery process. 

What would you like to know?  Do you have a question about chemicals in cleaning products, cosmetics, and  fragrances?  Do you have questions about the harmful effects of eating processed food?  Do you need more information on which whole foods are the most beneficial?  If you are sick but have not gotten rid of chemicals in your environment and food, would you please share what things are keeping you from trying this plan?  Is there a topic I can address that would help you?  Do you have a symptom or problem that I have not discussed? Do you have observations or comments?

Please post your questions and thoughts in the comment section of the blog,  I will write future posts related to anything you would like to discuss. Thank you for your interest, your time, and your input.

May God bless each and every one of you with His wisdom, hope, grace, and love.  And may you feel a whole lot better really soon.  Thank you!

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